
DYMAT Winter School 2023 - Jan. 29th - Feb. 3rd

"Experimental testing and modelling of materials at high strain-rates"

The dynamic behavior of materials is present through a large number of applications such as impact loadings, blasting and detonation, modern production processing, brittle failure of solids and structures… In such cases the material behavior is no longer quasi-static and the dynamic behavior of the materials needs to be properly accounted for. Also, constitutive models used in numerical simulations require an identification of the material behavior on an appropriate range of loading-rate. Experimental testing methods are also developed to analyze the damage mechanisms and the deformation modes in view of improving the prediction capabilities of numerical tools.

This winter school aims at gathering PhD students as well as senior researchers studying experimentally, developing models and numerical approaches to improve the knowledge in the area of the material behavior under dynamic loading.

The DYMAT winter school will focus on the following themes:

Dynamic testing of materials

=>  Hopkinson Pressure Bar, Impact test, Plate impact, Drop tower, Shock tube, High-speed jack…

Damage and failure at high strain-rates

=>  Micro-plasticity, Tensile damage, Shear failure, Multiple fragmentation, Pore collapse, Crushing...

Modelling and numerical methods

=> Constitutive laws, Finite-element methods, Discrete-element methods, SPH, Linear/non-linear fracture mechanics…


=>  Crashworthiness, Terminal ballistics, Blast, Natural risks, Machining, Industrial processes…

DYMAT Winter School will have:

- 37 Oral presentations (25 mn including discussion)

- 5 lectures (1h30) in the following themes:

  • In-depth Analysis of a Hopkinson Bar Experiment
  • Metal Response to Shock Loading: From Microscale to Applications
  • The addition of DIC measurement to the Split Hopkinson Bar experiment
  • An Introduction to Machine-learning for Modeling the Dynamic Behavior of Materials and Structures
  • Composite Materials and Multi-material Assemblies under Dynamic Stresses at High Strain-rates

It is possible for PhD students to converts some hours of Winterschool into formation. However, it also depends on the doctoral school of each.

Organizing committee:

Pr. Pascal FORQUIN and the ExperDYN team (3SR Laboratory / University Grenoble Alpes)

Steering committee:

The DYMAT Governing board (https://www.dymat.org/)


Address in Aussois:

Centre Paul-Langevin
24, rue du Coin
73500 Aussois, France.


This event is supported by Grenoble INP - UGA


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